Список литературы
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9. Luigi Nibali. Aggressive periodontitis: microbes and host response, who to blame? Journal Virulence, 22 sep 2014, pages 223-228.
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3. Silin A.V., Abramova N.E., Leonova E.V., Tumanova S.A., Pastukhova A.S. Diagnosis and planning of treatment of endo-periodontal lesions // Periodontology. - 2015. - №3(76). - P. 74-80.
4. Tumanova S.A., Abramova N.E., Rubyzhova N.V., Leonova E.V., Kibrotzashvili I.A. Results of application of antibacterial photodynamic therapy in the complex treatment of inflammatory periodontal diseases // Institute of Dentistry. - 2011. - №1. - P. 96-97.
5. Leonova E.V., Tumanova S.A., Kibrotzashvili I.A., Pastukhova A.S. Frequency of detection of combined endo-periodontal lesions in severe periodontitis during complex periodontal treatment // Institute of Stomatology. - 2017. - №3. - P. 49-50.
6. Hendler A., Mulli T.K. et al. Involvment of autoimmunity in the pathogenesis of aggressive periodontitis. Journal of dental research, October 12, 2010, vol 89, 1389-1394.
7. Viera A.R., et al. Role of genetic factors in the pathogenesis of aggressive periodontitis. Periodontol 2000, 2014 Jun; 65(1): 92-106.
8. Albandar J.M. Aggressive and acute periodontal deseases. Periodontol 2000. 2014 Jun; 65(1):7-12.
9. Luigi Nibali. Aggressive periodontitis: microbes and host response, who to blame? Journal Virulence, 22 sep 2014, pages 223-228.
10. Armitage G.C., et al. Comparison of clinical features of chronic and aggressive periodontitis. Periodontol 2000. 2010 Jun; 53, pages 12-27.
11. Karen F. Novak, M. John Novak. Aggressive periodontitis, Jan. 2012.