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Современный взгляд на этиологию, диагностику и лечение конкрементозного пульпита (обзор литературы)

Осипова В.А., Коляда А.А.
Научно-практический журнал Институт Стоматологии №4 (101), декабрь 2023
стр. 93-95
50 руб.
(в формате PDF)
В статье представлен обзор современных источников отечественной и зарубежной литературы об этиологии, клинике, диагностике и методах лечения пациентов с конкрементозным пульпитом.
Аннотация (англ)
The article presents a review of modern Background Papers of domestic and foreign literature on the etiology, clinic, diacrisis and methods of treatment of patients with concrementous pulpitis
Ключевые Слова
конкрементозный пульпит, дентикли, клиническая картина, диагностика, лечение.
Ключевые Слова (англ)
concrementous pulpitis, pulp nodule, clinical performance, diacrisis.
Список литературы
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20. Chen-Yu Hsieh, Yu-Chiao Wu, Chi-Chun Su, Ming-Pang Chung, Ren-Yeong Huang, Pei-Yueh Ting, Cheng-Kai Lai, Katherine Shaotzu Chang, Yi-Wen Cathy Tsai, Yi-Shing Shieh. The prevalence and distribution of radiopaque, calcified pulp stones: A cone-beam computed tomography study in a northern Taiwanese population. J Dent Sci.2018; 13(2): 138-144. PMID: 30895109.
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20. Chen-Yu Hsieh, Yu-Chiao Wu, Chi-Chun Su, Ming-Pang Chung, Ren-Yeong Huang, Pei-Yueh Ting, Cheng-Kai Lai, Katherine Shaotzu Chang, Yi-Wen Cathy Tsai, Yi-Shing Shieh. The prevalence and distribution of radiopaque, calcified pulp stones: A cone-beam computed tomography study in a northern Taiwanese population. J Dent Sci. - 2018; 13 (2): 138-144. PMID: 30895109.
21. Fernandes T.O., Abreu MG L., Antunes L.S., Antunes L.A.A. Factors associated with pulp canal obliteration due to traumatic injuries in deciduous teeth: A retrospective study // Int. J. Burn. Trauma. - 2021. - 11. - P. 304-311. PMID: 34557333.
22. Kasabwala K.A., Saumya-Rajesh P., Velmurugan N., Ashritha MCV. Pulp canal obliteration: a review // Journal of Operative Dentistry and Endodontics. - 2020; 5 (1): 6-11. DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10047-0085.
23. Kumar A., Meyappan N., Paulaian B., Ravisankar M. Endodontic management of calcified maxillary central incisors using CBCT: a report of two cases // Journal of Operative Dentistry & Endodontics. - 2022. - 6 (2). - P. 74-77. DOI: 10.5005.
24. Kumar D., Antony S. Calcified Canal and Negotiation-A Review // Res J Pharm Technol. - 11 (8). - 2018. - P. 3727-3730. DOI: 10.5958/0974-360X.2018.00683.2.
25. Memon M., Kalhoro F.A., Shams S., Arain S. Pulp stone: a study on radiographic assessment of pulp stone // Professional Med Journal. - 25 (7). - 2018. - P. 992-996. DOI: 10.29309/TPMJ/2018.25.07.106.
26. Nachiappan S., Chandran A., Swathika B., Ganesan S., Mahaprasad A., Muddebihal F., Nayyar A.S. Pulp stones: diagnostic significance in early. Diagnosis and radiographic correlation with ischemic. Heart diseases // Indian Journal of Radiology and Imaging. - 2021. - Vol. 31, № 2. - P. 277-283. PMID: 34556908.
27. Palatyńska-Ulatowska A., Fernandes M.C., Pietrzycka K., Koprowicz A., Klimek L., Souza R.A., Pradebon M., de Figueiredo J.A.P. The pulp stones: Morphological analysis in scanning electron microscopy and spectroscopic chemical quantification. - Medicina (Kaunas). - 2021;
58 (1): 5. PMID: 35056314.
28. Palatyńska-Ulatowska А., Pietrzycka К., Koprowicz А. Denticles of the pulp chamber- diagnostics and management. Case studies. // Pomeranian Journal of Life Sciences. - 2019. - P. 29-36. DOI: 10.21164.
29. Pietrzycka K., Pawlicka H. Clinical aspects of pulp stones: A case report series Aspekty kliniczne kamieni miazgi - seria przypadków // Dental and Medical Problems. - 57 (2). - 2020. - P. 1-7. PMID: 32603035.
30. Ravanshad S., Khayat S., Freidonpour N. The prevalence of pulp stones in adult patients of Shiraz Dental School, a radiographic assessment // J Dent (Shiraz). - 2015. - 16 (4). - P. 356-361. PMID: 26636125.
31. Shi R.T., Hou B.X. Causes, diagnosis and treatment strategies for dental pulp calcification // Zhonghua Kou Qiang Yi Xue Za Zhi. - 2022. - vol. 57, № 3. - P. 220-226. PMID: 35279998.
32. Siddiqui S.H., Mohamed A.N. Calcific Metamorphosis: A Review // Int. J. Health Sci. - 2016. - 10. - P. 437-442. PMID: 27610067.
33. Vinagre A., Castaheira C., Messias A., Paima P., Ramos J. Management of pulp canal obliteration-systematic review of case reports // Medicina (Kaunas). - 2021. - 57 (11). - 1237-1238. PMID: 34833455.
34. Vyver P.J., Vorster M., Jonker C.H., Potgieter N. Calcific metamorphosis - a review of literature and clinical management // SADJ. - 2020. - Vol. 75. - №. 6. - P. 316-322. DOI: 10.17159/2519-0105/2020/v75no6a5.
35. Wu M., Liu M., Cheng Y., Tang W., Yan P., Jiang H. Treatment of pulp canal obliteration using a dynamic navigation system: two case reports // Journal of Endodontics. - 2022. - 48 (11). - P. 1441-1446. PMID: 35963323.

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