Проведен анализ 500 заключений судебно-медицинской экспертизы по оценке тяжести повреждений пострадавших с сочетанной черепно-лицевой травмой. Выявлена частота осложненных форм течения: сотрясения и ушиба головного мозга различной степени тяжести, кровоизлияний в большие полушария мозга и переломов костей лицевого и мозгового отделов черепа. Изучены особенности течения сочетанной черепно-лицевой травмы у лиц, страдающих хроническим алкоголизмом и наркоманией.
Аннотация (англ)
Clinicals and experts characteristics of combine craniofacial trauma (V.A.Kozlov — Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Honoured Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medicine, professor of the department of maxillofacial surgery and operative dentistry of the State office of Saint Petersburg Medical Academy of postgraduate education; V.L. Popov — Honoured Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medicine, professor, assistant manager of Leningrade region Bureau of forensic medicine; O.A.Egorova — Candidate of medical science, maxillofacial surgeon of the department of purulent maxillofacial surgery of the State office Saint Petersburg “Municipal hospital № 15”, assistant of the department of stomatology general practice of the State office of Saint Petersburg Medical Academy of postgraduated education. Summary. The analysis of 500 forensic medical examinations of severity of damage after craniofacial trauma was carried out. The frequency of complicated forms of the course of the following pathology: concussion and contusion of the brain of different severity degree; hemorrages to the hemispheres of the brain, and fractures of the bones of the facial and cerebral cranium was found out. The peculiarities of the course of combined craniofacial trauma in persons suffering from chronical alcoholism and narcomania were studied.