Список литературы
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Dental Students’ Motivations for Their Career Choice: An International Investigative Report; Urvashnee Govender, B.O.H., M.P.H. DOI:10.1002/j.0022-0337.2014.78.4.tb05712.x, стр. 606.
19. Karibe H, Suzuki A, Kawakami T, et al. Career choice and attitudes towards dental education amongst dental students in Japan and Sweden. Eur J Dent Educ 2009;13(2):80-6.
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21. Paleologou V, Kontodimopoulos N, Stamouli A, Aletras V, Niakas D. Developing and testing an instrument for identifying performance incentives in the Greek health care sector. BMC Health Serv Res. 2006, 6: 118-10.1186/1472-6963-6-118.
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14. Arnetz BB. Psychosocial challenges facing physicians of today. Social Science & Medicine. 2001;52:203-213.
15. Demir C, Sahin B, Teke K, Ucar M, Kursun O. Organizational Commitment of Military Physicians. Military Medicine. 2009;174:929-35.
16. Devoe J, Fryer Jr GE, Hargraves JL, Phillips RL, Green LA. Does career dissatisfaction affect the ability of family physicians to deliver high-quality patient care? J Fam Pract. 2002;51:223-8. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/11391486_Does_Career_Dissatisfaction_Affect_the_Ability_of_Family_Physicians_to_Deliver_High-Quality_Patient_Care (дата обращения: 28.02.2024).
17. Franco LM, Bennett S, Kanfer R. Health sector reform and public sector health worker motivation: a conceptual framework. Social Science & Medicine. 2002;54:1255-66.
18. Jonathan Du Toit, B.Ch.D., Sameer Jain, B.D.S., Victor Montalli, D.D.S., M.Sc. Dental Students’ Motivations for Their Career Choice: An International Investigative Report Jonathan Du Toit, B.Ch.D.; Sameer Jain, B.D.S.; Victor Montalli, D.D.S., M.Sc.; Urvashnee Govender, B.O.H., M.P.H., стр. 612.Dental Students’ Motivations for Their Career Choice: An International Investigative Report; Urvashnee Govender, B.O.H., M.P.H. DOI:10.1002/j.0022-0337.2014.78.4.tb05712.x, стр. 606.
19. Karibe H, Suzuki A, Kawakami T, et al. Career choice and attitudes towards dental education amongst dental students in Japan and Sweden. Eur J Dent Educ 2009;13(2):80-6.
20. Lambrou P, Kontodimopoulos N, Niakas D. Motivation and job satisfaction among medical and nursing Staff in a Cyprus public general hospital. Human Resources for Health. 8, 26 (2010). https://doi.org/10.1186/1478-4491-8-26.
21. Paleologou V, Kontodimopoulos N, Stamouli A, Aletras V, Niakas D. Developing and testing an instrument for identifying performance incentives in the Greek health care sector. BMC Health Serv Res. 2006, 6: 118-10.1186/1472-6963-6-118.
22. World Health Organization. World Health Report 2006: Working together for health. Geneva, 2006.