Детерминанты, определяющие долговременную успешность в работе, высокую работоспособность, профилактику эмоционального выгорания, находятся не столько в области профессионального развития, сколько в плоскости личностных свойств, характера врача-стоматолога. Понимание особенностей личности позволяет не только развивать необходимые компетенции, способствующие успеху, но и осуществлять обоснованный выбор сотрудников для эффективной работы. В исследовании приняло участие 76 врачей-стоматологов. Изучено мнение экспертов (n=34) о признаках успешности профессиональной деятельности стоматолога. На основании анкетирования детских стоматологов и ортодонтов, работающих с детьми (n=42), и тестирования по 10 психодиагностическим методикам, описан психологический портрет стоматолога, работающего с детьми. Разработан алгоритм оценки показателей объективной и субъективной успешности стоматолога, определены (посредством множественного регрессионного анализа) социальные и психологические предпосылки объективной и субъективной успешности (показатели возраста, стажа, связанные с объективным показателем успешности, особенности мотивационной сферы личности и признаки зрелости системы психологической защиты). Даны характеристики успешного и неуспешного детского стоматолога и ортодонта. На основании модели успешности детского стоматолога возможно прогнозировать предпосылки к успешности специалиста, а также определять качественные характеристики личности, препятствующие личностно-профессиональному развитию. На основе полученных статистически достоверных результатов даны рекомендации специалистам по управлению персоналом.
Аннотация (англ)
Personal prerequisites for the success of a dentist working with children (A.G.Portnova, D.A.Parfenova, N.E.Malakhova).
Summary. The determinants that define long-term success in work and prevention of emotional burnout are not so much in the field of professional development, as in the plane of personal properties and the nature of the dentist. Understanding the characteristics of the individual allows not only to develop the necessary competencies that contribute to success, but also to make an informed choice of employees for effective work. The study involved 76 dentists. The opinion of experts (n=34) on the signs of success of professional activity of the dentist was studied. Based on a questionnaire of pediatric dentists and orthodontists working with children (n=42) and testing by 10 psychodiagnostic methods, a psychological portrait of a dentist, working with children, is described. The algorithm of estimation of indicators of objective and subjective success of the dentist is developed, social and psychological preconditions of objective and subjective success are defined (by means of the multiple regression analysis) (indicators of age, the experience connected with an objective indicator of success, features of the motivational sphere of the person and signs of maturity of system of psychological protection). The characteristics of a successful and unsuccessful pediatric dentist and orthodontist are given. Based on the model of success of a pediatric dentist, it is possible to predict the prerequisites for the success of a specialist, as well as to determine the qualitative characteristics of a person that hinder personal and professional development. Based on the obtained statistically reliable results, recommendations are given to specialists in personnel management. The determinants that define long-term success in work and prevention of emotional burnout are not so much in the field of professional development, as in the plane of personal properties and the nature of the dentist. Understanding the characteristics of the individual allows not only to develop the necessary competencies that contribute to success, but also to make an informed choice of employees for effective work. The study involved 76 dentists. The opinion of experts (n=34) on the signs of success of professional activity of the dentist was studied. Based on a questionnaire of pediatric dentists and orthodontists working with children (n=42) and testing by 10 psychodiagnostic methods, a psychological portrait of a dentist, working with children, is described. The algorithm of estimation of indicators of objective and subjective success of the dentist is developed, social and psychological preconditions of objective and subjective success are defined (by means of the multiple regression analysis) (indicators of age, the experience connected with an objective indicator of success, features of the motivational sphere of the person and signs of maturity of system of psychological protection). The characteristics of a successful and unsuccessful pediatric dentist and orthodontist are given. Based on the model of success of a pediatric dentist, it is possible to predict the prerequisites for the success of a specialist, as well as to determine the qualitative characteristics of a person that hinder personal and professional development. Based on the obtained statistically reliable results, recommendations are given to specialists in personnel management.
Ключевые Слова
Ключевые слова: успешность, детерминанты успешности профессиональной деятельности, профессиональное выгорание, личностная зрелость, личность врача-стоматолога.
Ключевые Слова (англ)
success, determinants of success of professional activity, professional burnout, personal maturity, the personality of the dentist.
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