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Постэндодонтическая реставрация зубов: биомеханические, технологические и клинические аспекты

Николаев А.И., Глебова Д.А., Орехова Н.С., Галанова Е.И.
стр. 56-58
(в формате PDF)
Рассматриваются биомеханические, технологические и эстетические аспекты постэндодонтической реставрации зубов. Обосновано восстановление эндодонтически леченых зубов на основе армированной стекловолоконным штифтом адгезивной композитной вкладки, изготовленной прямым методом. Рассмотрены критерии выбора материалов для постэндодонтической реставрации зубов, описаны технологические этапы работы, приведены клинические примеры.
Аннотация (англ)
Biomechanical, technological and aesthetic aspects of postendodontics restoration of teeth are considered. The restoration of endodonically treated teeth based on a fiberglass-reinforced adhesive composite insert prepared by a direct method is substantiated. The criteria for selecting materials for postendodontic restoration of teeth are considered, the technological stages of work are described, and clinical examples are given.
Ключевые Слова
восстановление эндодонтически леченых зубов, стекловолоконные внутриканальные штифты, биомеханические характеристики, наборы стекловолоконных штифтов.
Ключевые Слова (англ)
post-endodontic restoration, fiber post, biomechanical properties, fiber-reinforced composite post systems.
Список литературы
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11. Moosavi H., Afshari S., Manari F. Fracture resistance of endodontically treated teeth with different direct corono-radicular restoration methods. J Clin Exp Dent. 2017 Mar 1;9(3): e454-e459. doi: 10.4317/jced.53160. eCollection 2017 Mar.
12. Naumann M., Sterzenbach G., Dietrich T., Bitter K., Frankenberger R, von Stein-Lausnitz M. Dentin-like versus Rigid Endodontic Post: 11-year Randomized Controlled Pilot Trial on No-wall to 2-wall Defects. J Endod. 2017 Nov; 43(11): 1770-1775.
13. Panitiwat P., Salimee P. Effect of different composite core materials on fracture resistance of endodontically treated teeth restored with FRC posts. J Appl Oral Sci. 2017 Mar-Apr; 25(2): 203-210.
14. Rodrigues M.P., Soares P.B.F., Valdivia AD.CM, Pessoa R.S., Veríssimo C., Versluis A., Soares C.J. Patient-specific Finite Element Analysis of Fiber Post and Ferrule Design. J Endod. 2017 Sep; 43(9): 1539-1544.
15. Terry D.A., Triolo P.T. Jr, Swift E.J. Fabrication of direct fiber-reinforced posts: a structural design concept. J Esthet Restor Dent. 2001; 13(4): 228-240.
16. Vadavadagi S.V., Dhananjaya K.M., Yadahalli R.P., Lahari M., Shetty S.R., Bhavana B.L. Comparison of Different Post Systems for Fracture Resistance: An in vitro Study. J Contemp Dent Pract. 2017 Mar 1; 18(3): 205-208.
17. Verri F.R., Okumura MHT., Lemos CAA., Almeida DAF., de Souza Batista V.E., Cruz R.S., Oliveira HFF., Pellizzer E.P. Three-dimensional finite element analysis of glass fiber and cast metal posts with different alloys for reconstruction of teeth without ferrule. J Med Eng Technol. 2017 Nov; 41(8): 644-651.
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6. Shidlovskiy M.S., Savichuk A.A. Vliyanie konstruktsii i materiala vnutrikanalnyih shtiftov na mehanicheskie harakteristiki vosstanovlennyih reztsov nizhney chelyusti // Visnik SevNTU. 2013; 137: 156-162.
7. Dietschi D., Duc O., Krejci I., Sadan A.. Biomechanical considerations for the restoration of endodontically treated teeth: a systematic review of the literature - Part 1. Composition and micro- and macrostructure alterations. Quintessence Int. 2007 Oct; 38(9): 733-743.
8. Ferrari M., Cagidiaco M.C., Goracci C., Vichi A., Mason P.N., Radovic I., Tay F. Long-term retrospective study of the clinical performance of fiber post. Am J Dent. 2007; 20(5): 287-291.
9. Ferrari M., Mannocci F., Vichi A., Cagidiaco M.C., Mjör I.A. Bonding to root canal: structural characteristics of the substrate. Am J Dent. 2000 Oct;13(5):255-260.
10. Migliau G., Piccoli L., Di Carlo S., Pompa G., Beshara L.K., Marco Dolci M. Comparison between three glass fiber post cementation techniques // Ann Stomatol (Roma). 2017 Jan-Mar; 8(1): 29-33.
11. Moosavi H., Afshari S., Manari F. Fracture resistance of endodontically treated teeth with different direct corono-radicular restoration methods. J Clin Exp Dent. 2017 Mar 1;9(3): e454-e459. doi: 10.4317/jced.53160. eCollection 2017 Mar.
12. Naumann M., Sterzenbach G., Dietrich T., Bitter K., Frankenberger R., von Stein-Lausnitz M. Dentin-like versus Rigid Endodontic Post: 11-year Randomized Controlled Pilot Trial on No-wall to 2-wall Defects. J Endod. 2017 Nov; 43(11): 1770-1775.
13. Panitiwat P., Salimee P. Effect of different composite core materials on fracture resistance of endodontically treated teeth restored with FRC posts. J Appl Oral Sci. 2017 Mar-Apr; 25(2): 203-210.
14. Rodrigues M.P., Soares PBF., Valdivia ADCM., Pessoa R.S., Veríssimo C., Versluis A., Soares C.J. Patient-specific Finite Element Analysis of Fiber Post and Ferrule Design. J Endod. 2017 Sep; 43(9): 1539-1544.
15. Terry D.A., Triolo P.T. Jr, Swift E.J. Fabrication of direct fiber-reinforced posts: a structural design concept. J Esthet Restor Dent. 2001; 13(4): 228-240.
16. Vadavadagi S.V., Dhananjaya K.M., Yadahalli R.P., Lahari M., Shetty S.R., Bhavana B.L. Comparison of Different Post Systems for Fracture Resistance: An in vitro Study. J Contemp Dent Pract. 2017 Mar 1; 18(3): 205-208.
17. Verri F.R., Okumura MHT., Lemos CAA., Almeida DAF., de Souza Batista V.E., Cruz R.S., Oliveira HFF., Pellizzer E.P. Three-dimensional finite element analysis of glass fiber and cast metal posts with different alloys for reconstruction of teeth without ferrule. J Med Eng Technol. 2017 Nov; 41(8): 644-651.

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