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Диагностика дисфункции ВНЧС и планирование комплексного стоматологического лечения на клиническом примере

Постников М.А., Трунин Д.А., Габдрафиков Р.Р., Панкратова Е.А.
стр. 78-81
(в формате PDF)
В ходе исследования проведено изучение функционального состояния области височно-нижнечелюстного сустава (ВНЧС), используя цифровую аксиографию (Freecoder BlueFox, Германия) и метод ТЭНС (электронейростимуляции жевательной мускулатуры) у пациента без признаков изменения в ВНЧС с потерей высоты прикуса при значительных разрушениях зубов. Продемонстрировано на клиническом примере использование разработанного способа для снятия повышенного тонуса жевательной мускулатуры. Пациенту проведены инъекции БОТУЛОТОКСИНА по методике, на которую получен патент РФ на изобретение №2593344.
Аннотация (англ)
In the study, the study of the functional state of the field of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) using digital axiography (Freecoder BlueFox, Germany) and the method of TENS (electroneurostimulation chewing muscles) in a patient without evidence of changes in temporomandibular joint with loss of height of the bite with significant damage of the teeth. The use of the developed method for the removal of increased tone of chewing muscles is demonstrated on a clinical example. The patient received injections of botulinum toxin according to the method in which the RF patent for the invention №2593344
Ключевые Слова
дисфункции ВНЧС, цифровая аксиография, электронейростимуляция жевательной мускулатуры, этапы лечебных манипуляций
Ключевые Слова (англ)
TMJ dysfunction, digital axiography, electrostimulation of masticatory muscles, stages of medical manipulations.
Список литературы
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14. Breitner C. Alteration of occlusal relations induced by experimental procedure. Am J Orthod Oral Surg. 1943.
15. Beyron HL. Characteristics Of Functionally Optimal occlusion and principles of occlusal rehabilitation. J Am Dent Assoc. 1954.
16. Cimic S, Simunkovic SK, Badel T, Dulcic N, Alajbeg I, Catic A. Measurements Of The Sagittal Condylar Inclination: intraindividual variation. Cranio. 2014.
17. Dawson PE (1979) Centric Relation. Itseffectonoccluso-muscle harmony. Dent Clin North Am 23(2).
18. Dawson PE. Optimum TMJ (1985) condylar position in clinical practice. Int J Perio Rest Dent 3:11.
19. Dawson P. The concept of complete dentistry. Dawson Center for Advanced Dental Study; St. Petersburg, Florida: 2003.
20. De Leeuw R, Klasser GD. Orofacial pain: guidelines for assessment, diagnosis, and management. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2008. 48.
21. Ismail YH, Rokni A (1980) Radiographic study of condylar position in centric relation and centric occlusion. J Prosthet Dent 43.
22. Kano P. Changing nature Wax - uptechniquesina esthetics and functional occlusion. Quintessence; New Malden, UK: 2011.
23. Manfredini D., Bonnini S., Stellini E., Salmaso L. And Guarda-Nardini L. Comparison of magnetic resonance imaging findings in temporomandibular joints of the two sides. Clinical Oral Investigations, 2014, vol. 18.epidemiologic findings. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2011.
24. Miernik M, Więckiewicz W. The basic conservative treat men of temporomandibular joint anterior disc displacement without reduction - review. Adv Clin Exp Med 2015.
25. The Nomenclature Committee Academy of Denture Prosthetics, Hickey JC, Boucher CO, Hughes GA (1968) Glossary of pros - thodonticterms. 3rd edn. J Prosthet Dent.
26. Reverdito M, Piancino MG, Frongia G, Bracco AA, Fresi MG, Debernardi CL, et al. Functional cephalometric analysis and computerized axiography before and after therapy with “Function Generating Bite” in a deep bite patient. J Stomat Occ Med. 2011.
27. Rinchuse DJ, Kandasamy S (2006) Centric relation: a historical and contemporary orthodontics perspective. J Am Dent Assoc 137.
28. Rosenstiel S, Land M, Fujimoto J. Contemporary Fixed Prosthodontics. Mosby, Inc; 2006.
29. Schiffman El, Truelove El, Ohrbach R, Anderson Gc, John Mt, List T AndLook Jo. The Research diagnostic criteria for temporomandibular disorders. I: overview and methodology for assessment of validity. Journal of Orofacial Pain, 2010, vol. 24, n. 1, PM id: 20213028 PMCid:PMC3157055.
30. Schierz O, Klinger N, Schön G, Reissmann DR. The reliability of computerized condylar path angle assessment. Int J ComputDent. 2014;17(1).
31. Simonpieri A, Del Corso M, Vervelle A, et al. Current Knowledge And Perspectives For The Use Of Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) in oral and maxillofacial surgery part 2: bonegraft, im plant and reconstructive surgery. Curr Pharm Biotechnol 2012.
32. Wassell RW, Adams N, Kelly PJ. The treatment of temporomandibular disorders with stabilizing splints in general dental practice: one-year follow up. J Am Dent Assoc 2006.
33. Williamson EH (1978) Lamino graphic study of mandibular condyle position when recording centric relation J Prosthet Dent 39.

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