Список литературы
1. Арутюнов С.Д. Дентальная имплантация как основа эффективного ортопедического лечения и качества жизни больных с полным отсутствием зубов / С.Д.Арутюнов, М.Т.Амирян, Д.И.Грачев и др. // Росс. вестн. дент. имплантол. - 2011. - № 1. - С. 82-88.
2. Бондаренко Н.Н. Механизм объективной оценки в системе управления качеством оказания стоматологических услуг / Н.Н.Бондаренко: автореф. дис. … докт. мед. наук. - М. - 2007. - 32 с.
3. Климов А.Г. Клинические подходы к оценке качества съемных зубных и челюстных протезов / А.Г.Климов: дис. …канд. мед. наук. - СПб. - 2008. - 236 с.
4. Колесов О.Ю. Оценка отдаленных результатов протезирования с использованием имплантатов / О.Ю.Колесов: дис. … канд. мед. наук. - СПб. - 2008. - 236 с.
5. Лаубе Р. Наука как приоритет / Р.Лаубе // Nobel Biocare. - 2014. - Т. 2. - № 1. - 46 с.
6. Леус П.А. Критерии ВОЗ оценки качества системы стоматологической помощи населению / П.А.Леус // Экономика и менеджмент в стоматологии. - 2010. - № 1 (30). - С. 56-64.
7. Мазур И.И. Управление качеством / И.И.Мазур, В.Д.Шапиро. - М. - Омега. - Л. - 2008. - 399 с.
8. Малый А.Ю. Анализ работы комиссии по экспертизе качества изготовления зубных протезов за 10 лет (1998-2007 гг.) в Москве / А.Ю.Малый, Е.С.Прошникова, О.Г.Любенко с соавт. // Стоматология. - 2008. - № 6 (87). - С. 47-51.
9. Олесов А.Е. Качество обслуживания потенциальных пациентов как антикризисный резерв эффективности работы клиники / А.Е.Олесов, А.Д.Аксаментов, Ю.В.Колябина // Экономика и менеджмент в стоматологии. - 2010. - № 1 (30). - С. 10-17.
10. Розов Р.А. Клинический анализ отдаленных результатов протезирования керамическими и металокерамическими ортопедическими конструкциями / Р.А.Розов: дис. … канд. мед. наук. - СПБ, 2009. - 245 с.
11. Трезубов В.В. Автоматизированная система оценки качества ортопедической стоматологической помощи “ТРЕМИ” / В.В.Трезубов, С.М.Михайлов // Инф. бюллетень официальной регистрации программ для ЭВМ, баз данных и типологии интегральных микросхем РосАПО. - М. - 2012. - № 4 (64). - часть І. - С. 36.
12. Трезубов В.Н. Критериальная оценка качества зубных и челюстных протезов “ КЛИКО” (свидетельство об офиц. Регистрации программы для ЭВМ № 2004612077) / В.Н.Трезубов, С.Д.Арутюнов, Р.А.Розов, Е.В.Комов, А.Г.Климов // Инф. бюллетень офиц. регистрации программ для ЭВМ, баз данных и типология интегральных микросхем РосАПО. - М. - 2004. - № 1. - С. 61.
13. Трезубов В.Н. Клиническая критериальная оценка качества съемных протезов / В.Н.Трезубов, А.Г.Климов // Стоматология. - 2006. - № 6. - С. 62-65.
14. Трезубов В.Н. Программы для ЭВМ “ Клиническая оценка качества зубных и челюстных протезов” (“РОСА-2PQ-КО²”) (свидетельство №2007610020 от 09.01.2007) / В.Н.Трезубов, Р.А.Розов, О.Н.Сапронова, Л.Я.Кусевецкий с соавт. // Инф. бюллетень регистрации программ для ЭВМ, баз данных и типология интегральных микросхем РосАПО. - М. - 2007. - № 3. - С. 47.
15. Трезубов В.Н. Компьютерная программа экспертной оценки качества зубного имплантационного протезирования “ТРЕВОЛ” / В.Н.Трезубов, О.А.Волковой // Свидетельство РосПатента о государственной регистрации новой компьютерной программы № 2017663483 от 05.12.2017 г.
16. Aarbi G. The course of prosthodontic patients oral health - related quality of life over a period of 2 years / G.Aarabi, M.John, O. Scheirze.a. // J. Dent. - 2015. - V.43. - P. 261-268.
17. Allen P. A patient-based assessment of implant-stabilized and conventional complete dentures / P.Allen, A. McMillan, D.Walshaw // J. Prosth. Dent. - 2001. - V. 85. - № 2. - P. 141-147.
18. Allen P. Assessment of oral health related quality of life / P.Allen // Health Qual. Life Outcomes. - 2003. - №1. - P. 40.
19. Atchison K. Development of the geriatric oral Health assessment index / K.Atchison, T.Dolan // J.Dent. Educ. - 1990. - V. 54. - P. 680-687.
20. Berretin-Felix G. A longitudinal study of quality of life of elderly with mandibular implant-supported fixed prostheses / G.Berretin-Felix, H.Nary Filho, C.Padovani, W.Machado // Clin. Oral Implants Res. - 2008. - V. 7. - P. 704-708.
21. Beuer M. Three-year clinical prospective evaluation of zirconia-based posterior fixed dental prostheses (FDPs) / M.Bener, D.Edephoff, W.Gernet, J.Sorensen // Clin. Oral Investig. - 2009. - V.13. - P. 445-451.
22. Brennan M. Patient satisfaction and oral health-related quality of life outcomes of implant overdentures and fixed complete dentures / M.Brennan, F.Houston, M.O’Connell // Int. J.Oral Maxillofac. Implants. - 2010. - V.25. - P. 791-800.
23. Den Hartog L. Patient satisfaction with single-tooth implant therapy in the esthetic zone / L. den Hartog, H.Meijez, H.Santing, A.Vissink, G.Raghoebar // Int. J.Prosthodont. - 2014. - V. 27. - № 3. - P. 226-228.
24. Duvernay E. Dental appearance and personality trait judgment of elderly persons / E.Duvernay, M.Srinivasan, L.Legrand, F.Herrmann e.a. // Int. J.Prosthodont. - 2014. - V. 27. - №4. - P. 348-354.
25. Esposito M. Agreement of quantitatire subjective evaluation of esthetic changes in implant dentistry by patients and practitiovers / M.Esposito, M.Crusovin, H.Worthington // Int.J.Oral. Maxillofac. Implants.- 2009. - V. 24. - P. 309-315.
26. Gao Y. Influence factors on patients satisfaction of beauty to porcelain fused metalcrown of anterior teeth / Y.Gao, X.Luo, L.Tang // J.Oral Science Res. - 2008. - № 24. - P. 424-426.
27. Gjengedal H. Randomized Clinical trial comparing dictary intake in patients with implant-retained coverdentures and conventionally relined dentures / H. Gjengedal, L.Dahl, A.Lavik, T.Trovik e.a. // Int.J.Prosthodont., 2012. - V. 25. - №. 4. - P. 340-347.
28. Gjörup H. OHIP-(D), en dansk version of Oral Health Impact Profile / H.Gjrup, P.Svensson // Jandlaegebladet. - 2006. - V. 110. - P. 304-311.
29. Hamdan N. Do implant overdentures improve dietary intake? A randomized clinical trial./ N.Hamdan, K.Gray-Donald, M.Awad, L.Johnson-Down e.a. // J.Dent. Res. - V. 92 (12 Suppl). - P. 146-153.
30. Harel N. A 10-year retrospective clinical evaluation of immediately loaded tapered maxillary implants / N.Harel, D.Piek, S.Livne, A.Palti, Z.Ormianer // Int. J.Prosthodont. - 2013. - V. 26. - № 3. - P. 244-249.
31. John M.Oral health-related quality of life in payients treated with fixed, removable and complete dentures 1 month and 6 and 12 month after treatment / M.John, G.Slade, A.Szentpetary, Y.Setz // Int. J. Prosthodont. - 2004. - V. 17. - P. 503-511.
32. Jokstad A. Implant retained or conventional dentures, which give more patients satisfaction? / A.Jokstad // Evid. Based Dent. - 2006. - V. 7. - P. 96-97.
33. Jones J. Consensus methods for medical and heath services research / J.Jenes, D.Hunter // B.M.J. - 1995. - v. 311. - P. 376-380.
34. Leung A. Dental implants in reconstructed jaws: patients evaluation of functional and quality of life outcomes / A.Leung, L.Cheung // Int. J.Oral Maxillofac. Implants. - 2003. - V. 18. - P. 127-134.
35. Levi A. Patient self-reported satisfaction with maxillary anterion dental implant treatment / A.Levi, W.Psoter, J.Agar e.a. // Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Implants. - 2003. - V. 18. - P. 113-120.
36. Locker D. Assessing the responsiveness of measures of one health-related quality of life / D.Locker, A.Jokovic, M.Clarke // Community Dent. Oral Epidemiol. - 2004. - V. 32. - P. 10-18.
37. McGrath C. An evidence-based review of patient-reported outcome measures in dental implant research among dentate subjects / C.McGrath, O.Lam, N.Lang // J.Clin. Periodontol. - 2012. - V. 39.(Suppl 12). - P. 193-201.
38. Montero J. Impact of prosthodontic treatment on Quality of life. Aprospective Cohort Study / J.Montero, J.Lopez-Marcos, A.Albaladajo,R.DeOyegue e.a. // Int.J. Prosthodont. - 2012. - V. 25. - №. 2. - P. 111.
39. Nickenig H. Oral health-related quality of life in partially edebtulous patient: assessments before and after implant therapy / H.Nickenig, M.Wichmann, S.Andreas, S.Either // J.Craniomaxillofac. Surg. - 2008. - V. 8. - P. 477-480.
40. Özdemir A. The effect of personality type on denture satisfaction / A.Özdemir, H.Özdemir, N.Polat e.a. // Int. J. Prosthodont. - 2006. - V. 19. - P. 364-370.
41. Packer M. The potential benefits of dental implants on the oraI health quality of life of people with Parkinson’s disease / M.Packer, V.Nikitin, T.Coward e. a. // Gerodontology. - 2009. - № 1. - P. 11-18.
42. Penarrocha M. Level of satisfaction in patients with maxillary full-arch fixed prostheses: Zygomatic versus conventional implants / M.Penarrocha, C.Carrillo, A.Boronat, E.Marti // Int. J. Oral Maxillofac Implants. - 2007. - V. 22. - P. 769-773.
43. Penãrrocha-Oltra D. Patient-reported outcomes of immediate versus conventional loading with fixed full-arch prostheses in the maxilla: a nonrandomized controlled prospective studyю / D.Penarrocha-Oltra, M.Penãrrocha-Diago, L.Canullo, U.Covani e.a. // Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Implants. - 2014. - v. 29. - № 3. - P. 690-698.
44. Reissmann D. Improved perceived general health is observed with prosthodontic treatment / D.Reissmann, O.Schierz, A.Szentpétery, MJoh // J.Dent. - 2011. - v. 39. - P. 326-331.
45. Reissmann D. The Burdens in Prosthetic Dentistry Questionnaire (BiPD-Q): development and validation of a patient-based measure for process-related quality of care in prosthetic dentistry / D.Reissmann, T.Hacker, D.Farhan, G.Heydecke // Int. J. Prosthodont. - 2013. - v. 26. - №3 - P. 250-259.
46. Sampogna F. Quality of life in patients with dental conditions: comparing paients and providers evaluation / F.Sampogua, V.Johansson, B.Axtelius e.a. // Community Dent. Health. - 2009. - V. 26. - P. 234-238.
47. Schoen R. Quality of life related to oral function in edentulous head and neck cancer patients posttreatment / R.Schoen, H.Reitsema, H.Bouma e.a. // Int. J. Prosthodont. - 2007. - V. 20. - P. 469-477.
48. Seifert E. Cam dental prostheses influence vocal parameters? / E.Seifert, C.Runte, M.Riebandt e.a. // J. Prosth. Dent. - 1999. - V. 81. - P. 579-585.
49. Siadat H. Patient satisfaction with implant-retained mandibular overdenture: a retrospective study / H.Siadat, M.Alikhasi, A.Mirfazaelian e.a. // Clin. Implant Dent. Relat. Res. - 2008. - V. 10. - P. 93-98.
50. Slade G. Development and evaluation of the Oral Health Impact Profile / G.Slade, A.Spencer // Community Dent. Health. - 1994. - V. 11. - №1. - P. 3-11.
51. Slade G. Derivation and validation of a short-form oral health impact profile / G.Slade // Community Dent. Oral Epidemiol. - 1997. - V. 26. - P. 284-290.
52. Strassburger C. Influence of prosthetic and implant therapy on satisfaction and quality of life: a systematic literature review. Part 1. - Characteristics of the studies/ C.Strassburger, G.Heydecke, T. Kerschbaum // Int. J. Prosthodont. - 2004. - V. 17. - P. 83-93.
53. Toman M. Masticatory performance and mandibular movement patterns of patients with natural dentitions, complete dentures, and implant-supported iverdentures/ M.Toman, S.Toksavul, A.Saracoglu, C.Cura, A.Hatipoglu // Int. J. Prosthodont. - 2012. - v.25. - №2. - P. 135-137.
54. Wolff A. Correlation between patient satisfaction with complete dentures and denture quality, oral condition, and flow rate of submandibular/ Sublingual salivary glands / A.Wolff, A.Gadre, A.Begleiter e.a. // Int. J. Prosthodont. - 2003. - V. 16. - P. 45-48.
55. Wong M. Tooth loss, denture wearing and oral health-related quality of life in eldery Chinese people / M.Wong, A.McMillan // Community Dent. Health. - 2005. - V. 22. - P. 156-161.
56. Yun Zou. Personal factors determining patient satisfaction with all-ceramic crown treatment for single anterion teeth / Zou Yun, Zhan De Song // Int. J. Prosthodont. - 2016. - V. 29. - № 5. - P. 482-483.
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1. Arutyunov S.D. Dental’naya implantaciya kak osnova effektivnogo ortopedicheskogo lecheniya i kachestva zhizni bol’nyh s polnym otsutstviem zubov / S.D.Arutyunov, M.T.Amiryan, D.I.Grachev i dr. // Ross. vestn. dent. implantol. - 2011. - № 1. - S. 82-88.
2. Bondarenko N.N. Mekhanizm ob”ektivnoj ocenki v sisteme upravleniya kachestvom okazaniya stomatologicheskih uslug / N.N.Bondarenko: avtoref. dis. … dokt. med. nauk. - M. - 2007. - 32 s.
3. Klimov A.G. Klinicheskie podhody k ocenke kachestva s”emnyh zubnyh i chelyustnyh protezov / A.G.Klimov: dis. …kand. med. nauk. - SPb. - 2008. - 236 s.
4. Kolesov O.YU. Ocenka otdalennyh rezul’tatov protezirovaniya s ispol’zovaniem implantatov / O.YU.Kolesov: diss. … kand. med. nauk. - SPb. - 2008. - 236 s.
5. Laube R. Nauka kak prioritet / R.Laube // Nobel Biocare. - 2014. - T. 2. - № 1. - 46 s.
6. Leus P.A. Kriterii VOZ ocenki kachestva sistemy stomatologicheskoj pomoshchi naseleniyu / P.A.Leus // Ekonomika i menedzhment v stomatologii. - 2010. - №1 (30). - S. 56-64.
7. Mazur I.I. Upravlenie kachestvom / I.I.Mazur, V.D.SHapiro. - M. - Omega. - L. - 2008. - 399 s.
8. Malyj A.YU. Analiz raboty komissii po ekspertize kachestva izgotovleniya zubnyh protezov za 10 let (1998-2007 gg.) v Moskve / A.YU.Malyj, Е.S.Proshnikova, O.G.Lyubenko s soavt. // Stomatologiya. - 2008. - № 6 (87). - S. 47-51.
9. Olesov A.Е. Kachestvo obsluzhivaniya potencial’nyh pacientov kak antikrizisnyj rezerv effektivnosti raboty kliniki / A.Е.Olesov, A.D.Aksamentov, YU.V.Kolyabina // Ekonomika i menedzhment v stomatologii. - 2010. - № 1 (30). - S. 10-17.
10. Rozov R.A. Klinicheskij analiz otdalennyh rezul’tatov protezirovaniya keramicheskimi i metalokeramicheskimi ortopedicheskimi konstrukciyami / R.A.Rozov: dis. … kand. med. nauk. - SPB, 2009. - 245 s.
11. Trezubov V.V. Avtomatizirovannaya sistema ocenki kachestva ortopedicheskoj stomatologicheskoj pomoshchi “TRЕMI” / V.V.Trezubov, S.M.Mihajlov // Inf. byulleten’ oficial’noj registracii programm dlya EVM, baz dannyh i tipologii integral’nyh mikroskhem RosAPO. - M. - 2012. - № 4 (64). - chast’ І. - S. 36.
12. Trezubov V.N. Kriterial’naya ocenka kachestva zubnyh i chelyustnyh protezov “ KLIKO” (svidetel’stvo ob ofic. Registracii programmy dlya EVM №2004612077) / V.N.Trezubov, S.D.Arutyunov, R.A.Rozov, Е.V.Komov, A.G.Klimov // Inf. byulleten’ ofic. registracii programm dlya EVM, baz dannyh i tipologiya integral’nyh mikroskhem RosAPO. - M. - 2004. - № 1. - S. 61.
13. Trezubov V.N. Klinicheskaya kriterial’naya ocenka kachestva s”emnyh protezov / V.N.Trezubov, A.G.Klimov // Stomatologiya. - 2006. - № 6. - S. 62-65.
14. Trezubov V.N. Programmy dlya EVM “ Klinicheskaya ocenka kachestva zubnyh i chelyustnyh protezov” (“ROSA-2PQ-KO²”) (svidetel’stvo №2007610020 ot 09.01.2007)/ V.N.Trezubov, R.A.Rozov, O.N.Sapronova, L.YA.Kuseveckij s soavt. // Inf. byulleten’ registracii programm dlya EVM, baz dannyh i tipologiya integral’nyh mikroskhem RosAPO. - M. - 2007. - № 3. - S. 47.
15. Trezubov V.N. Komp’yuternaya programma ekspertnoj ocenki kachestva zubnogo implantacionnogo protezirovaniya “TRЕVOL” / V.N.Trezubov, O.A.Volkovoj // Svidetel’stvo RosPatenta o gosudarstvennoj registracii novoj komp’yuternoj programmy № 2017663483 ot 05.12.2017 g.
16. Aarbi G. The course of prosthodontic patients oral health - related quality of life over a period of 2 years / G.Aarabi, M.John, O.Scheirze.a. // J. Dent. - 2015. - V. 43. - P. 261-268.
17. Allen P. A patient-based assessment of implant-stabilized and conventional complete dentures / P.Allen, A. McMillan, D.Walshaw // J. Prosth. Dent. - 2001. - V. 85. - №2. - P. 141-147.
18. Allen P. Assessment of oral health related quality of life / P.Allen // Health Qual. Life Outcomes. - 2003. - № 1. - P. 40.
19. Atchison K. Development of the geriatric oral Health assessment index / K.Atchison, T.Dolan // J.Dent. Educ. - 1990. - V. 54. - P. 680-687.
20. Berretin-Felix G. A longitudinal study of quality of life of elderly with mandibular implant-supported fixed prostheses / G.Berretin-Felix, H.Nary Filho, C.Padovani, W.Machado // Clin. Oral Implants Res. - 2008. - V. 7. - P. 704-708.
21. Beuer M. Three-year clinical prospective evaluation of zirconia-based posterior fixed dental prostheses (FDPs) / M.Bener, D.Edephoff, W.Gernet, J.Sorensen // Clin. Oral Investig. - 2009. - V. 13. - P. 445-451.
22. Brennan M. Patient satisfaction and oral health-related quality of life outcomes of implant overdentures and fixed complete dentures / M.Brennan, F.Houston, M.O’Connell // Int. J.Oral Maxillofac. Implants. - 2010. - V. 25. - P. 791-800.
23. Den Hartog L. Patient satisfaction with single-tooth implant therapy in the esthetic zone / L. den Hartog, H.Meijez, H.Santing, A.Vissink, G.Raghoebar // Int. J.Prosthodont. - 2014. - V. 27. - № 3. - P. 226-228.
24. Duvernay E. Dental appearance and personality trait judgment of elderly persons / E.Duvernay, M.Srinivasan, L.Legrand, F.Herrmann e.a. // Int. J.Prosthodont. - 2014. - V. 27. - № 4. - P. 348-354.
25. Esposito M. Agreement of quantitatire subjective evaluation of esthetic changes in implant dentistry by patients and practitiovers / M.Esposito, M.Crusovin, H.Worthington // Int.J.Oral. Maxillofac. Implants.- 2009. - V.24. - P. 309-315.
26. Gao Y. Influence factors on patients satisfaction of beauty to porcelain fused metalcrown of anterior teeth / Y.Gao, X.Luo, L.Tang // J.Oral Science Res. - 2008. - № 24. - P. 424-426.
27. Gjengedal H. Randomized Clinical trial comparing dictary intake in patients with implant-retained coverdentures and conventionally relined dentures / H.Gjengedal, L.Dahl, A.Lavik, T.Trovik e.a. // Int.J.Prosthodont., 2012. - V. 25. - № 4. - P. 340-347.
28. Gjörup H. OHIP-(D), en dansk version of Oral Health Impact Profile / H.Gjrup, P.Svensson // Jandlaegebladet. - 2006. - V. 110. - P. 304-311.
29. Hamdan N. Do implant overdentures improve dietary intake? A randomized clinical trial./ N.Hamdan, K.Gray-Donald, M.Awad, L.Johnson-Down e.a. // J.Dent. Res. - V. 92.(12 Suppl). - P. 146-153.
30. Harel N. A 10-year retrospective clinical evaluation of immediately loaded tapered maxillary implants / N.Harel, D.Piek, S.Livne, A.Palti, Z.Ormianer // Int. J.Prosthodont. - 2013. - V. 26. - № 3. - P. 244-249.
31. John M.Oral health-related quality of life in payients treated with fixed, removable and complete dentures 1 month and 6 and 12 month after treatment / M.John, G.Slade, A.Szentpetary, Y.Setz // Int. J. Prosthodont. - 2004. - V. 17. - P. 503-511.
32. Jokstad A. Implant retained or conventional dentures, which give more patients satisfaction? / A.Jokstad // Evid. Based Dent. - 2006. - V. 7. - P. 96-97.
33. Jones J. Consensus methods for medical and heath services research / J.Jenes, D.Hunter // B.M.J. - 1995. - v. 311. - P. 376-380.
34. Leung A. Dental implants in reconstructed jaws: patients evaluation of functional and quality of life outcomes / A.Leung, L.Cheung // Int. J.Oral Maxillofac. Implants. - 2003. - V. 18. - P. 127-134.
35. Levi A. Patient self-reported satisfaction with maxillary anterion dental implant treatment / A.Levi, W.Psoter, J.Agar e.a. // Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Implants. - 2003. - V. 18. - P. 113-120.
36. Locker D. Assessing the responsiveness of measures of one health-related quality of life / D.Locker, A.Jokovic, M.Clarke // Community Dent. Oral Epidemiol. - 2004. - V. 32. - P. 10-18.
37. McGrath C. An evidence-based review of patient-reported outcome measures in dental implant research among dentate subjects / C.McGrath, O.Lam, N.Lang // J.Clin. Periodontol. - 2012. - V. 39 (Suppl 12). - P. 193-201.
38. Montero J. Impact of prosthodontic treatment on Quality of life. Aprospective Cohort Study / J.Montero, J.Lopez-Marcos, A.Albaladajo, R.DeOyegue e.a. // Int.J. Prosthodont. - 2012. - V. 25. - №.2. - P. 111.
39. Nickenig H. Oral health-related quality of life in partially edebtulous patient: assessments before and after implant therapy / H.Nickenig, M.Wichmann, S.Andreas, S.Either // J. Craniomaxillofac. Surg. - 2008. - V. 8. - P. 477-480.
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